An old saying in the high-class escort industry is: "If you treat your wife the way you treated a prostitute, you will have the strongest marriage in the world."
If you haven't heard of this little gem yet, you probably haven't spoken to a sufficiently high-class escort agency in Munich. They're actually saying little chestnuts like this one, and that's no joke! While they have stories that might make you laugh and rock, they also have many, many anecdotes that encompass sweetness, romance, tenderness, and warmth. Often times this is the experience at the higher end of the Munich Escort.
When you hear the way many concubines talk about their beloved clients, it often makes the off-center relationship sound like a real marriage. Especially when they spend days and weeks together as travel companions. And it should be a happy marriage, because he's always dating!
Sheila, a high-class Munich escort model, estimates that about 80% of her callers are married or in relationships. She has also stated that 90% of her work involves the relationship they crave, emotional intimacy. While some men use the hobby of visiting an escort for physical encounters, at this level we cater to gentlemen looking for a real sense of date, such as an actual friendly relationship (also known as a "girlfriend experience" or GFE).
This experience appears to be a two-way street. Many married men who visit with our concubines and models travel escorts try hard to satisfy their high-class companions - in fact most of them aren't happy unless she's happy too. They enjoy the authentic feeling of a relationship, where they can love and honor their partner, like a wife. Except that she is not his wife...
We asked a handful of our privileged escorts, who often earn more than high-priced attorneys, for some insights and advice that can ensure you save money on nightly appointments with Courtesans.
Don't be afraid to ask what you want.
When you book a compliment, there are no shy games. If you want a specific scenario, or act a certain way, just ask. She is very open-minded and wants to have a good time. We had the gentlemen writing several pages of the script of how the evening progressed, and the things his escort had to say and do.
Some partners in relationships and marriage assume that their partner only knows what they want or can read their thoughts. “It's hard to understand why, if a married man can be honest with me, why he shouldn’t be honest with his wife.
Delight accompaniment in the afternoon
A married man generally arranges meetings to accompany him in the afternoon for lunch instead. Evenings are tough when you get married. You have to wait until you are on a business trip. Flanking weekends can be tough if you're involved, unless your spouse is working or you're away. Weekends are very popular. But most people like to meet in the afternoon or early evening to avoid bumping into someone.
Then they board a flight and travel together to an exotic location. The perfect excuse, to be on a business trip; A high class escort could be simply his secretary or colleague. Completely innocent. "One of the regular callers told his office he was going to see a property"It kind of makes it more exciting, and more stupid. It's fun to be part of a secret experience. I think they miss that evil, and the secret pleasure."
Prepare yourself in time. Do you remember dating your wife? How do you feel about each other, and how do you sneak away to be as alone as possible. It would have been so romantic, a naughty secret between the two of you. “If you feel like you are getting away with something, its fun,” state Bavaria. "Some people need this excitement to do something they probably shouldn't be doing."
Couples experience .
This is also a big request. It's no secret that as a couple it takes some creativity to keep the excitement alive. There are many ways to achieve this, from the most shy to the most extreme. For those who are passionate about the idea of another female presence to entertain your mate and the escort is perfect for this. Most couples want to try something new, but without the stigma and hassle of following the traditional path of dating, dating sites, or meeting people outside. There are many variables that can jeopardize the relationship that may be counterproductive to what you are trying to achieve. If you want to add a little spice to your relationship by introducing another female into the mix, the last thing you want to do is add a variable that can take away from your goal.
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